Sunday, July 4, 2010

To Do Post-Transplant

This wait is getting pretty depressing. It gets harder every day to remember how fortunate I am to be alive and to have a solution (transplantation) to my problem. It’s hard to be grateful that I only need a temporary handicap permit. It’s easier to compare myself to most people my age, who are doing normal things like spending the long weekend out of town with friends, dating and getting engaged, getting promotions, buying houses, having babies…or just dining out at restaurants without worrying about how much salt is in each dish.

So, instead of dwelling on what I can’t do right now, I’ll try focusing on the things I want to do in the future. This is a list of the top ten things I want to do post-transplant (in no particular order). Some of them are short-term (especially #1!) and some are years away, but they all have one thing in common – I can and will do all of them one day.

1. Eat a slice (or two) of very cheesy pizza. I know better than to do this frequently, but I think the occasional indulgence will be okay.
2. Go skiing somewhere cool – either out west or eventually in the French or Swiss Alps. I’ve only skied once in at least the last five years, but I love it!
3. Rent a kayak and paddle around. It’s great exercise and a lot of fun!
4. Visit all 50 states (airports don’t count). I’ve been to 34 already and have plans to visit my 35th (Maine) in September.
5. Run a 5k. I’ve hated running for a long time, but I think my tune might change.
6. Buy a house. I’m very much over smelling other people’s dinner and hearing other people’s music.
7. Get a dog. I’m taking this opportunity to show off my parents’ dogs below - they are the greatest!
8. Take tennis lessons.
9. Go back to France. I’ve vacationed there twice and lived there for six months, but I can’t get enough!
10. Compete in the bi-annual Transplant Games!


  1. I can't begin to imagine how difficult this wait is for you. Just a quick note to let you know you continue to be in my thoughts.
    Your "list of things to do" is inspiring, as is your strength and courage. I keep hearing about a 5K on the same day as Chris and Marg's wedding day . . .something for you to look forward to! Best Wishes to you as you continue on this journey -
    Linda (Chris's aunt)

  2. I know the wait is wearing on you... so I love your idea of a to-do list. My suggestions for a few new items? #11: Go running with your new dog, #12: Break out your karaoke skills once again, #13: Be the last man standing at a party, #14: Become a (louder) advocate for organ donation. I look forward to cheering you on during all of these endeavors. Hang in there - we're all rooting for you. xoxo

  3. I was just thinking the other day about how we used to play tennis together in Amelia sometimes . . . what were we thinking, it was SO hot! But still, good memories . . . you will have many more memorable tennis matches than those in your future!

  4. Were you afraid to put "getting rid of my roommate" on your list?? Not to worry--I will still cook (if you don't fire me) and do laundry and errands. I can only imagine how hard this wait is for you. I, too, watch as your friends live their lives as you had hoped to be living yours at this point in time. My heart aches for you, and I so wish that I could trade places with you. That said, I love your ability to focus on the future, and I can't wait to share that pizza with you. I love you, Mom

  5. Hang in there Andrea. You will be back on your skies sooner than you think!! Whoopee!

  6. I would love to join you in most of your bucket list points, but I hope not to compete in transplant games.Never mind my goofy shoes in the dog picture.

  7. Hi, I am Allan, from Switzerland an indirect Breezie's friend. I can help for your wish point No.2 and you are welcome in my home if you wanna ski somewhere cool in Switzerland!
    Have a good recovery


  8. Hey - Congrats on the new heart! Garland sent me an update when you went into surgery and I've been having everyone in Dallas and Shreveport pray for you ever since. Glad to hear you are making such progress. When you are feeling up to it and can make it to France, email me. I have TONS of recommendations considering I can't keep myself away from that place for very long. Long live France and long live YOU! -- Lee

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Andrea - Wish you a speedy recovery. We will always be cheering for you, as you conquer this list.

    Ujwala and Vipin
